


Lyndon spreading smiles and achieving goals

Lyndon, a valued and dedicated Rocky Bay customer, brings smiles to staff members’ faces across our hubs!

We recently chatted with Lyndon’s Occupational Therapist, Georgia, and Exercise Physiologist, Joel, discussing Lyndon’s goals and what he’s aiming to achieve next.

Georgia and Joel both agree that Lyndon is a delight to work with.

“He’s extremely well-mannered but has a cheeky side and loves a joke and a laugh,” Joel shares.

“He enjoys chatting about all things sports and movies, and he’s an absolute pleasure to work with,” Joel says.

Georgia appreciates his playful nature and admires how he’s always up for a laugh.

“We spend most of our sessions joking around, and I think that’s his preferred way of communicating,” Georgia says.

The story continues...

Working alongside Georgia, therapy with Lyndon primarily involves occupational therapy sessions focusing on upper limb retraining, equipment prescription and minor home modifications, with most of their time together spent in the gym.

“He loves coming in and seeing us; he loves exercising, so that’s what we use to motivate him in sessions,” Georgia says.

“So far, we have installed rails in the bathroom, and hopefully, we are getting a bidet to help him toilet independently, which will be massive in helping him to be able to go to the toilet by himself.

“Lyndon’s progress is about maintaining what he’s got and making small functional gains. In terms of improvement for his upper limb, he’s got a much more relaxed right arm so he can use it as a stabilising arm when doing activities he enjoys such as arts or using the computer,” Georgia continues.

Lyndon has improved stability in his core and left shoulder, reducing the impact of his ataxic movements so he can use his arm with more functionality. One of his goals was to feed himself, and now he can pick up larger, handheld items like a sandwich and bring it to his mouth.

Lyndon’s major future goal is finding employment.

“He’s going to be working with the STEP (Stages towards employment) program and I’ll be working closely with the support coordinator to link that in with his OT sessions. He wants to work, hopefully with computers,” Georgia says.

Lyndon also aims to be a little more independent in and around the home.

“So, he’s just accessed respite, and that was a huge step for them, and it went well. So now, they’re motivated to try that again, which will be great for Lyndon to have some more independence,” Georgia says.

How we helped

Lyndon and Joel have been meeting weekly for a year.

“We combine a range of aerobic exercise, resistance training, balance exercises, and functional task practice aimed to improve his physical health,” Joel explains.

“A large focus of our sessions is overcoming barriers associated with living with physical disabilities to engage and participate in exercise.

For all the benefits associated with exercise, Joel aims to help Lyndon reap the rewards of regular physical activity.

“Lyndon’s goals are around maintaining his overall health and wellbeing as well as his physical mobility,” Joel says.

“So, ensuring he engages in regular resistance training and functional task practice is essential.

“This helps him maintain independence at home, whether it involves standing tasks throughout the day, transfers, or reducing the supports required to assist him in his everyday life,” Joel says.

Additionally, the aerobic side of training helps improve his cardiorespiratory fitness and reduces the likelihood of chronic health conditions.

Regarding future goals for Lyndon, Joel emphasises increasing community participation and finding new social activities for him to engage in.

“He has previously enjoyed boxing classes and regularly attends an external gym,” Joel adds.

“So, we focus on whatever appeals to Lyndon, helping him achieve his goals by combining his social and physical health.”


A few words


He’s extremely well-mannered but has a cheeky side and loves a joke and a laugh

- Joel


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