Grads shine at Rocky Bay

Sep 16, 2024

Rocky Bay staff member Eliza is smiling and looking at the camera.

Rocky Bay’s Graduate Program has been offering support, mentorship, and essential experience for new graduates for over four years.  

Eliza, a new graduate occupational therapist, is benefiting from the program. 

Eliza’s passion for helping people and wanting to work with children led her to pursue further studies in occupational therapy at Curtin University, completing her Master’s degree in 2023. 

Eliza completed her final practical experience at Rocky Bay where she worked primarily with adults on a neurological caseload.  

“I knew I wanted to work in the not-for-profit sector, and when I came across the new graduate program, it seemed like the perfect opportunity,” Eliza said.  

“Starting a first job is always challenging, but having people you can turn to—other new graduates in similar situations—has made the transition much smoother,” Eliza said. 

The Rocky Bay Graduate Program offers a structured approach with regular workshops, monthly touchpoints, and group supervision, providing a solid foundation for new therapists.  

“The program has been really helpful, especially when it comes to learning how to manage stress, workloads, and changing circumstances,” Eliza said.  

“It’s also great to know there are experienced people I can go to for guidance whenever I need it,” Eliza said. 

One of the key highlights of the program for Eliza has been the camaraderie among the cohort of graduates.  

“We’ve organised social events, and having people on the same wavelength has been reassuring,” Eliza said. 

“It doesn’t feel like you’re doing it alone,” Eliza said. 

Eliza’s caseload is diverse, ranging from working with children who have physical and cognitive disabilities to supporting those with rare diseases and conditions.  

“Every day is so different,” Eliza said.   

“One moment I might be at a daycare working with staff on how to support a child to engage in group activities, and the next I’m back at the hub completing a fine motor program. 

“It’s been incredibly rewarding,” Eliza said.  

The program is led by senior therapists Wes and Olivia, who have been instrumental in providing guidance and support.  

“Wes and Olivia have been amazing,” Eliza said. 

“They are approachable, welcoming, and always ready to help with any problems I have,” Eliza said. 

As Eliza looks to the future, she’s excited to continue exploring different areas within occupational therapy.  

“It’s great to have the option to explore different pathways,” Eliza said. 

Eliza recommends the new graduate program to anyone starting their career. 

“Working in community disability has been an engaging and rewarding start to my career,” Eliza said. 

“No matter where you go, it will be a steep learning curve, so make sure you have the support you need.  

“My biggest takeaway from this year is just how important it is to have experienced people around you to bounce ideas off and to learn from.  

“Go with what you’re interested in and give it a go—you’ll learn so much along the way,” Eliza concluded. 

For more information about Rocky Bay’s Graduate Program, visit 

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