Meet Ty Kowalski, Advanced Clinician Physiotherapist

Oct 24, 2023

Photo of Rocky Bay Physiotherapist Ty Kowalski smiling at the camera. The image includes the text 'Meet Ty' in white.

Ty Kowalski, Advanced Clinician Physiotherapist, has been working at Rocky Bay for the past five years. Ty started at Rocky Bay as a new graduate, and it’s our amazing customers, the rewarding work and amazing team which makes it an easy decision for him to remain at Rocky Bay.

Ty shares with us what a typical day involves, some of the programs he has helped develop to improve the lives of people living with disability and what he loves most about working at Rocky Bay.

Keep reading for his full Q&A!

What does your role involve at Rocky Bay?

I have gradually worked my way up to become an Advanced Clinician Physiotherapist and have been afforded several opportunities throughout my years here. This includes clinical advisor in neuromuscular and early intervention, along with assisting with coordinating the Early Start Intervention Program (ESIP) last year.

I have a clinical caseload, supporting a number of neuromuscular and early intervention clients whilst also being a therapist in ESIP. I supervise and support new physiotherapist staff based in the Northern Corridor and assist with program developments.

Describe a typical day?

A typical day is usually an early start to see some clients before they go to school. I also make sure my love of coffee is sorted, with a visit to the coffee shop with whoever is in the office. Followed by meetings, project work, indirect customer jobs or seeing my really young clients before the afterschool sessions start. Working with kids means lots of early and late sessions so my calendar usually follows this.

What are some of the programs you’ve assisted in developing?

Early Start Intervention Program (ESIP) – having been in the program since it’s beginning in 2021, it has continued to grow. ESIP provides support to children who are struggling to access the NDIS or gain a diagnosis to access support. ESIP has helped a large number of children and provided supports allowing these kids to reach their goals, work on their skills and increase their independence. Their families have reported huge gains. These supports help to reduce any difficulties the kids might have at a critical intervention time in their development.

Having been the coordinator of the program in 2022, along with being a therapist, I have seen the success of the program and the support it offers our participants in its unique evidence-based design. The programs success is a true representation of the amazing ESIP team.

It’s so important to allow the community another intervention source that meets their needs at home, and allows for access to highly trained early intervention therapist teams to support their goals.

Find out more about ESIP here.

Sprouts – Sprouts is our Kindy Readiness Program, and was developed after our early intervention steering committee had the task of reviewing our early intervention services. Sprouts was developed in collaboration with Speech Pathologist Clinical Advisor Ashleigh O’Callaghan-Sear and Operations Manager Brooke Toia. The purpose of Sprouts is to assist children who are heading to Kindy, focusing on key developmental skills and getting them ready for this big transition. This program is important due to its holistic design, working on all key aspects of the child’s life whilst developing their readiness. This will hopefully lead to a successful transition for families and the children themselves.

Find out more about Sprouts here.

What’s your favourite customer story?

One of my clients was told during his early diagnosis that he would never walk due to the rare nature of his condition and the documented decline pattern. Last year his Speech Pathologist, Ash O’Callaghan-Sear and I were invited to his year 6 graduation at school where he walked across the stage independently.

It was a very special moment for us as his therapy team seeing him smash his goals and prove all those professionals wrong that didn’t think about their delivery of potential diagnostic information.

What do you love most about your role and working at Rocky Bay?

I have the most amazing clients, some of which I still have since I started at Rocky Bay 5 years ago. You become part of their team. This allows for an amazing rapport to be built while watching them grow up.

The teams I have are outstanding and make each working day more fun. Some of the colleagues I work with have become amazing friends outside work, which just shows the amazing individuals who work here.

What are three things you can’t live without and why?

  • Coffee – who can’t live without coffee. It’s essential!
  • Waterpolo – great fitness and my club is like another family.
  • My close circle around me – these people make life so much sweeter.
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