Technology can be a wonderful thing, and no one knows that better than Peggy Harvey, who was recently gifted an iPhone X by the Rocky Bay Wishing Tree, with the wish made on her behalf by Rocky Bay Allied Health Team Leader, Amy Hutchinson.
Peggy, a Rockingham resident who has been accessing occupational therapy and physiotherapy services from Rocky Bay for nearly four years, lives with cerebral palsy and was born deaf. She also lives with multiple medical conditions that challenge the use of her fine motor skills.
Peggy was in need of an assistive technology device with various features and applications that would support her to maintain her independence and quality of life, including visual communication with her loved ones via video call (Peggy has a son who lives in Victoria), and access to voice to text services.
The device will also allow Peggy to access the community via the internet, and allow her to use important apps, such as SafeWA and Google Maps, so she can safely and confidently access her gym, local pool and other community activities. It will also give peace of mind to her loved ones to know that Peggy is safe and that they are able to get in touch with her easily if required.
Peggy said the device has already made such a significant difference in her life.
“Being able to talk on the phone has been an amazing experience and given me so much happiness; to be able to hear my son and friends has been a blessing,” Peggy said.
“Due to my deafness the iPhone is connected to the hearing aids to enable me to be able to live more independently.”
The technology also allows Peggy to increase the size and location of the keyboard, and access other features with ease, to promote a more ergonomic experience and accessible control – something a lot of device users take for granted.
Peggy’s new device has given so much back to her, even beyond accessibility.
“It’s great for photos which I love taking for good memories,” Peggy said.
“I am grateful for the financial assistance which I have had (from Wishing Tree)…my OT Amy has done her best to get me this amazing device.
“Also would love to thank my support worker who is my rock, and has strengthened me in ways I never thought of and an inspiration to me at all times.
“Thank you to all who have been involved in this project.”