Parents + Carers


Caring is sharing

Are you caring for a child with a disability? Our friendly team is here to provide the support you need, equipping you with strategies, skills, and the confidence necessary to face everyday challenges with resilience and help you find ways to alleviate the stress and fatigue that often accompany this responsibility. Rocky Bay is your dedicated partner in possibility and we are here to celebrate the wins as well as support you when you need it most.

Move towards more confident caring

At Rocky Bay, our programs aim to integrate your child’s learning into various aspects of their life, and we believe in making you an integral part of this process. We emphasise the importance of consistent communication styles to empower you with confidence and clarity as you move forward.

These programs are designed to equip parents and carers, like you, with effective tools and strategies, enabling them to set limits, anticipate challenging moments, and respond to difficult behaviors. By working collaboratively with our trained and qualified therapists, who are joined by two additional individuals, we ensure that your child’s extended network is well-supported.

All our programs are meticulously research-based, and we don’t implement a program without conducting a pilot to assess its effectiveness. This commitment ensures that every collaborative effort we undertake is valuable and fulfilling you for you, your child and your family.

Child in a therapy session

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