Emotional Regulation Clinics


Our Emotional Regulation Clinics are designed to support your whole family and give you the tools to help your child learn to recognise and regulate their emotions.

The clinic aims to:

  • Support your child with understanding their emotions and those of people around them
  • Develop healthy emotional regulation strategies across various contexts
  • Build healthy and meaningful relationships

We also support you to:

  • Feel more confident with responding to your child’s emotions
  • Understand what your child is experiencing both physically and mentally when they are in moments of heighten emotion
  • Support your child’s ability to regulate when experiencing behavioural escalations
Scroll down for more information around how the clinics might be run to support your needs.
Clinic Days

Clinics are available at the following locations and times:

  • Alternating Wednesdays: Rockingham and Mandurah
  • Tuesday Afternoons: Cockburn
  • Thursday Morning: Cockburn

We also offer clinics at our Ascot hub, based on availability.

Program Structure

The initial session is held with you, without your child present. This meeting allows our clinicians to fully understand your child’s history and current situation, and to tailor a plan with you as to what assessments may be required and how the clinic can support your family best.

The following sessions may involve just your child, just yourself only, or both!





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