International Wheelchair Awareness Day!
International Wheelchair Day is a day to celebrate the positive...
Be your child’s partner in communication. Join us at our Rockingham hub, starting in April!
Open up new possibilities for your child by better understanding where they are on their communication journey and becoming their biggest supporter. Children grow and learn at different rates, and as a parent, you can tell when something doesn’t feel right. We’re here to help you guide your child to reach their full potential.
This program includes both individual and group sessions. Your therapist will schedule the individual sessions with you, which will take place at your home with your child. The group sessions are designed specifically for parents and carers, so we kindly ask that your child does not attend, allowing you to fully engage in the sessions.
Delivered by a Hanen® certified speech pathologist, Hanen: More Than Words will help you to take everyday activities like meal time, story time and bath time and use them to help your child improve their communication and social skills.
We will be running another More Than Words program later this year, register your interest now or get in contact to find out more.