Tech Talkers®

Let’s talk Tech.

Tech Talkers® Parent Training is a group training program designed for parents and carers of children and adults who use augmentative and alternative forms of communication (AAC), such as iPads or PODD books. Through this group training program, you’ll gain the skills and confidence to maximise the potential of these devices, giving you the tools to help your loved one thrive.

Full Program Details

Register now for our upcoming Tech Talkers® Parent/Carer Training program at our Cockburn hub, starting in February.

This six-week program includes one two-hour session per week, designed specifically for parents and carers of children and adults who use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) tools like iPads or PODD books.

  • Ages: All Ages
  • Suitable for: Customers using AAC devices and their families / carers  
  • Location: Rocky Bay Cockburn Hub
  • Dates: Wednesdays: 26 February, 5 March, 12 March, 19 March, 26 March, 2 April
  • Time: 10am – 12pm  
  • Notes:  Group sessions are designed specifically for parents and carers. To allow you to fully engage in the sessions, we kindly ask that the customer/AAC user does not attend these group sessions. However, we request they attend two additional sessions with you—one before the weekly group sessions begin, and another between the fourth and fifth session. Your therapist will arrange these with you directly. 
Scroll down for more information and to register!

We will also be running a Tech Talker program at our Ascot hub later this year, register your interest now or get in contact to find out more.

Tech Talkers® will provide you with outcomes such as:

  • Planning for the future so the device and the user continue to work together
  • Developing functional, fun and meaningful opportunities for the user to use AAC devices
  • Supporting the user in real life situations
  • Using AAC devices to support literacy development.





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