Turner Family


Alyssa and Paul Turner’s dynamic family is made up of Waya (4), Chayton (3) and Inola (2), all children access support at Rocky Bay, with Chayton and Inola recently benefitting from the Telethon-funded Early Start Intervention Program (ESIP).

Rocky Bay’s ESIP program is instrumental in assisting young children and their families in achieving important developmental milestones.

The program’s therapy is rooted in research and is tailored towards mitigating the risk factors associated with rare diseases among young children exhibiting signs and symptoms.

Both Chayton and Inola were referred to Rocky Bay’s ESIP by Child Development Services (CDS) after their Paediatric Psychologist noticed signs of Autism.

Chayton, who has since received an official autism diagnosis, was also diagnosed with neuroblastoma. Inola, meanwhile, was diagnosed with Global Developmental Delay.

Inola and Chayton’s mother Alyssa said Rocky Bay was a lifeline when the family was going through a tough time with the children’s diagnosis and Chayton’s health issues. Thankfully, Chayton is now in remission.

Alyssa stated “The ESIP team was a huge support. Each child was treated as an individual, and their goals tailored to their unique needs.”

As neurodivergent children, Chayton and Inola were initially very reserved and displayed anxiety in social settings, hesitancy around new people and hyper tendencies.

The story continues...

Since accessing ESIP Alyssa has noticed significant changes.

“It’s been such a positive experience, especially when you have multiple children on the spectrum, being able to access therapists under the same umbrella has been so much easier for us.”

“The therapists provided valuable advice and strategies that alleviated a lot of the pressure we felt as parents,” Alyssa said.

Alyssa exemplified Chayton’s progress in the program, recalling how he was once terrified of playing with bubbles.

“Chayton really came out of his shell, the therapists worked patiently with him until he was comfortable,” Alyssa explained.

“Through sensory play, we also learned activities we could do with them at home.

“One of the biggest challenges for parents like us is engaging in play with our children and the therapists helped us navigate that,” Alyssa said.

Since accessing ESIP, Alyssa’s children have started engaging with each other a lot more.

“Some of the goals, like turn-taking and sharing, were difficult at first, but it’s so nice now to see they get along well, chasing each other and playing together.

“Chayton, in particular, has grown to be more social—he used to cry when meeting new people, but now he’s curious and even waves at strangers from the pram.

“All of them are developing and are in different stages,” Alyssa said.

The social exposure ESIP provided made a huge difference, according to Alyssa.

“Before the program, the kids would gather their toys and play alone, but now they play together and interact with us. It’s nice for a parent to see,” Alyssa said.

How we helped

Alyssa’s advice for families considering ESIP for their children is to lean into the program as much as you can.

“Rocky Bay is there to help you. Don’t be afraid to speak up, you will be heard,” Alyssa said.

“Your children will be looked after as the unique amazing individuals they are.”

“We are really grateful for ESIP and thank Rocky Bay for everything they’ve done.

“They’ve been there for the entire family, and were a great support during some rough times,” Alyssa said.

ESIP’s therapy sessions are conducted in the family home, which have been incredibly helpful for the Turner’s family situation.

“Having the therapists come to us has been such a relief,” Alyssa said.

“We only have one car, so if Paul couldn’t take them, we’d have to rely on public transport.

“It’s much better for the kids to be in a familiar environment as well,” Alyssa said.

Alyssa and Paul received many valuable resources to help understand what the children might be experiencing, along with strategies that work both at home and outside.

“Even getting printouts has been useful, teaching us things we wouldn’t have known otherwise,” Alyssa said.

“Rocky Bay has been a true anchor, not just for our kids, but for our whole family,” Alyssa concluded.

For the ESIP referral form and additional information on Rocky Bay’s Early Start Intervention Program, head to our website:  https://www.rockybay.org.au/services/health-wellness/early-start-intervention-program/

A few words


Rocky Bay has been a true anchor, not just for our kids, but for our whole family

- Alyssa Turner


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