International Wheelchair Awareness Day!
International Wheelchair Day is a day to celebrate the positive...
A combination of support and determination can be life changing, something that seven-year-old Knox Henderson is proof of.
Knox has been accessing therapy services with Rocky Bay since 2020, and is now at our newest hub in Joondalup.
Knox’s mum Alli says since making the move to Perth and accessing services, from the get-go Rocky Bay have been great.
“Those who work behind the scenes, the way they communicate, I can’t fault them at all. Moving here was the best decision we ever made, the services we get here we couldn’t get where we lived,” Alli says.
“We are not going back anytime soon; the work Ty and the team have done has just been fantastic.”
Rocky Bay Advanced Clinician Physiotherapist, Ty Kowalski describes Knox as a very bright boy who loves to have a good chat and can be incredibly cheeky.
“Knox is always aware of what is going on around him and is incredibly smart, completing work two years above his age at school,” Ty says.
Ty Kowalski says the service offerings available at Joondalup for customers is fantastic.
“The paediatric space and some of the equipment in it, even the foam blocks are amazing for our little ones,” Ty says.
Ty has discussed the benefits of the new office spaces, particularly the collaborative spaces.
“We all work in the same office, so we all see each other and can communicate what’s happening so we are all on the same page,” Ty says.
“Generally, we always underlay services with others he receives, so we will add occupational therapy elements into his physiotherapy sessions, this helps us work towards big goals.”
“We can follow most of our customers through and see greater development of their goals.”
Ty enjoys following his customers, seeing their growth and the opportunity to be a part of their lives.
Alli’s involvement in the sessions has a huge impact.
“I wouldn’t be able to do as good as I do without her,” Ty says.
“Particularly because a lot of the activities we do require another set of hands, whether that’s moving legs, throwing and catching etc. Without Alli here it wouldn’t be the same.”
“It’s a great way for her to see the activities and take them home.”
Alli says “the ultimate goal is I want him to be happy with his life. To know that we did whatever we could to give him the best life. Little goals like walking, running around with a soccer ball with his mates, it’s baby steps, but we will get there”.
Knox says, “I have the best therapists because they help me and make me happy.”
“When I first started with Knox, he wasn’t able to walk or kneel and hadn’t been exposed to it. He can go from his chair to standing and walk by himself, with us behind him for support.”
“He’s tackling high level skills and is growing and doing really well.”
Knox is extremely determined when it comes to his input and consistency for the services he receives, and his progress over time is testament to this.
With all the progress Knox has already made, the team will continue working towards building his fine motor skills, increasing his strength and ability, confidence in his speech and the way he engages with others.
Alli says Knox is now able to hold his stature so well, despite physiotherapists over East telling the family “This is what his body will be like and there aren’t many ways we can improve that.”
“As soon as we came to Rocky Bay there were endless possibilities, everyone who works with him is very goal driven and has a focus for him,” Alli says.
“The services at Rocky Bay have had a huge impact on all areas of his life, his level of cognitive ability and being able to communicate.”
“They haven’t strayed away from that focus and there is hope that we didn’t have before. His services have all been goal driven, focused and planned for the future, not just being told this is what we are doing today.”
Alli says that the environment created by Rocky Bay staff at our Joondalup Hub has helped him feel at ease and build his confidence.
“Coming here [to Joondalup], it’s like being part of a family, everyone interacts with him like he is a part of the furniture,” Alli says
“Even the way that the therapists treat each other it’s nice to come in and feel welcome and know you’re not judged… you come in here and it’s your own little world.”
“When he walks through the corridors, everyone says hi to him. It’s all those little things that have boosted his confidence, now when he goes to Perth Children’s Hospital, he says hi to everyone and has so much confidence.”
Rocky Bay Speech Pathologist Clinical Advisor, Ashleigh O’Callaghan-Sear works alongside Knox, teaching him how to describe words if he has trouble articulating them.
“Ashleigh has taught him how to describe words if he is having trouble getting them out, he’s articulating in ways that he couldn’t’ before,” Alli says.
“He can throw a ball with his friends, and now he even gives new foods a try which was impossible before. It is a combination of all of these little things that mean the world to Knox.”
“I have the best therapists because they help me and make me happy.”
- Knox